New news

Big suprises have been happening. First event, we moved & now we are out of in-laws house. Small but welcome victory. Being on our own has allowed our marriage to finally continue instead of back track. It's also allowing me to see how much my husband does support me. Second realization happened: I do not have the job that makes the best use of my time. I know that is the case for many people. I, however, refuse to stay in a job for 20+ years that I am not passionate about simply because it is "smart" or "safe" by someone else's definition. I will not allow the life to be drained out of me every day. So what about it then ? I will be going back to school either right on the heels of when my hubby finishes, or, sooner (this is my goal). Frugailty is most important (esp. since we just got into our new place), and I will do what it takes to save up, scrimp, and scrounge. I am not willing to sacrifice passions & dreams that simply haven't gone away over the past 10 years; no matter how hard I've tried to ignore or deny them. Third & most life changing suprise : we're expecting the unexpected (#3 baby). Sammy, will be 26 months when this one comes around, and, Elijah will be 4 1/2. Came a bit sooner than either of us had imagined, but when you're using preventative methods & you have a pregnancy come through, well, you start really believing in God's timing & plan.

In conclusion - I need strength. I've come to the end of my senses & decided that I do not have what it takes on my own to support a husband in school, carry the benefits, retirement & help support (now) 3 children & the bills all on less than 35 K / year. I am praying about being proactive, as well as researching the tools I need to get in gear. A music major does not make much more than what we're making now. I am realizing what opportunities I would like my children to be able to have (preschool, for one) that we simply cannot afford. It's frustrating. Pretty soon, everyone in the economy will need a PhD just to get by. Instead of complaining, I want to be proactive. So , here I go. Like our #3, ready or not, here I come!


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