
I do not know how to begin this. I honestly debate where the Bible says a man is to "Lay down his life, as Christ did for the church", and yet all I see around me are "good" Christian men achieving their personal dreams, regardless of if it provides for their family. Their wives are trapped by a "should be" image, and, bless their hearts, they carry it out - because, who would raise all the children they now possess? Perhaps a more accurate statement would be: a wife lays down her life for her husband, her children, and the church body, hoping that her example would prompt her husband to do the same.

I am tired & sad & do not know what to think any more . All I can think of is to separate for a while. Fall of the face of comfort & see where it is that I land. My children are precious. My husband... I don't know what that is anymore. Sorry. To be told you are worth something & then to have your spouse throw you out & tell you you are not (via their actions) is too much for me.

Perhaps there was too much fine print on the marriage license for me to read. God give me grace & strength. I have to give my children hope, even when I have none.


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