From AUGUST 2018 - History Lesson

Marginalization of GORUCK women
... there IS a history lesson in here I promise! 
Recently it came to my attention that perhaps one of my most beloved groups has been, and perhaps always will be guilty of that which I’ve tried to avoid most – marginalizing women. 

What?! Isn’t that insane? You’d think any woman who is nutty, crazy, and courageous enough to pick up a weighted back pack and perform military physical conditioning along with a 10-15-20+ mile galivant around their town with additional challenges would hold some clout in an organization’s mind (esp. one that profits off of her signing up and showing up, sporting their gear, paying them $$$ to participate etc...). I am finding it difficult to even write this. I always viewed GORUCK as supportive of both men and women, empowering one another through tough, guided, team and endurance building activities. Suddenly, but not so much, I am reminded of a past that still permeates all venues of this country.

The military was formed by men, for defense and protection of the country and the people therein. Women had to fight to even be considered able to serve.  

WTF?!?!?!? Sorry, okay, outburst of a modern, spicy, civilian-ish female… back to the story…

Women did earn their place, in 1782 with the start of Deborah Samson Gannett, from Plymouth Massachusetts. Women had to do this in stealth mode; Deborah enlisted under the name of her deceased brother, Robert Shurleff Samson. She served for 17 moths in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Respect yo!

Unfortunately, it was not until 1948 that a law was formally passed, allowing women to serve in the U.S. Military.
As of today, women are in the military, however, there are still glass ceilings to break - especially on the forefront of becoming leaders. 
Fast forward to today. For GORUCK, in order to be a Cadre, or leader, you have to have served in the military, in some form of higher-level function – i.e. ARMY Ranger, Navy Seal, Special Forces, Marine Corps special ops, etc... The number of women who meet this requirement is almost nil. I don’t understand it. Perhaps it’s the military and country’s mistaken religious and scientific misnomers that women are “weaker than” or “not as able” or meant to serve “as leaders in their home, only over children.” It makes me sick. If every woman were meant to do that, why is there such an uprising from billions of women stating that their character, their passions, and the purpose are being stifled by power hungry (i.e. FEAR laden) men? Why wouldn’t’ every woman’s heart and soul agree with the goddamn Pollyanna stay at home bullshit rhetoric of a prescribed life? Instead, it sounds like modern-day slavery to over 50% of women living in the US.

Perhaps it is just that women are not fighting to step up to the plate of this type of leadership, either because their ego doesn’t need stroking and they are confident in who they are, or the polar opposite, where women believe they are not worthy or capable of such.  

Consider the following:

“…in the Journal of Applied Psychology, of 99 studies that examined perceptions of female leaders.
They found that while male leaders were more likely to rate themselves as more effective than the female leaders were, other people were actually more likely to rate the female leaders as more effective.”
 I will still participate in this community. I will not tolerate or allow someone's opinion of my gender to determine what my capabilities are and/or are not. Here's to rucking onward, upward, and doing life with excellence!


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