For all the girls.

I had forgotten what it is like to be in my teens. I have read through and seen some of the most excruciating articles to date. Teen aged women being formed (battered, thrown, carved, whipped) into a culture of depravity. I am reminded why I hang onto my Beloved, Jesus. You may ask to what am I referring. Just go to your local shopping center or mega mall and observe the young women. They are hanging onto, throwing themselves at boys, young boys, who they think are secure, strong men & friends that (they mistakenly believe) are confident. They fail to see that they, like so many others in their lives will too, let them down. The sad part is, the girls who are in this predicament/mindset of depravity won't realize this until they give up a huge part of themselves to the insecure boyfriend/friend. Society & our culture has (and will continue undoubtedly to) failed them. They've been abused & continue to seek relationships of strength, safety, and security. Unfortunately, their upbringing has them running to the only thing they've known in the past (the abuse). I am sure & certain the only relationship that will be their saving grace is found with the only perfect man, perfectly man, perfectly God, yes, it's Jesus. No replacements. I found this out at 4 years old. I never could rid myself of His protection, even when I tried to end my life. I pray all the "vulnerable teenagers" find their strength, security & grace in the shadow of His wing. That's your saving grace. Your (truly) confident , kind, & faithful friends, look at who they trust in. Lean on Him. Find your rest in Him. That is my encouragement for this school year.


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