Not Much is New

I am in need of some serious silence this week.... desperately trying to quiet the monster inside as it were. I find anger, annoyance & frustration to be debilitating. As is the case, I am falling , free falling before the cross. I once again was reminded that I am unable to do anything on my own - man, that's such a harsh reality! So, this morning, I am listening to Lifehouse. I am also attempting to clear my brain and start over from the week previous - anyone for a mind detox? I am not going to watch t.v. this week or next, or maybe for the entire month - I will blog and let you all know how it goes. I feel that this will help with sobering my heart, mind & emotions. Maybe more worship therapy will do me some good. I had been contemplating ending my blog for a while....however, I found this to be contradindicative to my (God -given) loud mouth honesty persona. Enough said. Just want to shout out to my babies - I loved spending the weekend with you guys!


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