How can I make you see that I am for you? How can anyone force or make anyone do anything? That wouldn't be love - it would be the complete opposite. Twisted, tied up in chains, we both want the same.... I want you. I want to know all of you. I cannot make you be honest with me. I committed to wait for you. I will wait, and in my waiting, I will cling to the Rock. I will hide myself in the cleft, in the secret place. I will pray for you. I want so much to know who all of you is, but I cannot, by any power of my own make that happen - thank God. And, the sad part of all of this is that I see in your history, in your line, you all would like to be close to others, however, are you truly willing to expose yourself? You are willing and want others to be open with you on all frequencies, but are you willing to give all, to lay down all things & admit your sin? If not, then you become a co-dependent, always (seemingly ) putting other people above yourself - but, in realtiy, keeping a wall around yourself (a one-up & power) that no one can penetrate, even with their eyes. You (politetly) tell others to stay away, stay on the outside, but, they must let you in.... and hear your words, your wisdom, without a reference....without qualification from you of how and where you derrive such "wisdom" and "experience". Why? I wince when I write such words. Why would you tell me that you want to be clsoe and yet distance yourself so far? Why would you seek to draw me out of myself yet not let me ask the same of you? Why? What are you so fearful of? I pray for God to break in, only He can break the sin, and He knows the truth. Only He can be a truly voluntary, humble God, and help your eyes to see. I pray you see -see your true need of Him, see your need of family, of community. .... for you to be vulnerable, open, humble, nothing before a totally other-than God. Remember, that whatever you do to the least of these (including being open, honest, humble, broken, in authentic community), you have done it unto me.....


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