After much consideration, and continuing to weight the odds (which seem to be right now against me), I have come to the conclusion that the male species of homosapien is, indeed, not family oriented. Allow me to elaborate, since, upon examination of that statement simply, it is not fair.  (excuse my gender bias)

 What I mean by my statement is simply that , if a man has a family, and his wife is home, and say his passion of music or art, or something else (model building, running, golf, etc) is doable, he will gravitate and act upon that which is in his reach - seize the opportunity afforded to him. What does "the other half " (in this case, his wife) end up doing?  She will most likely be dealing with the children, planning & coordinating school & or holiday activities, cleaning up, or in her closet, hiding from those around her.Okay, sorry, that was from personal experience.

  What I am stating is simply (please note: from my point of view only) that in the context of family, when one person or unit of that family is off pursuing that which they love to do, there is always a price someone else pays whether in time, resources or energy.  Now, if there are not children present in this family unit, the dynamics change dramatically.

 I also realize the role of male/female could be reversed for many situations as well - wherein the wife or female species might be the one running off to her workshop, class, music, etc... so, I suppose I ought to expand my horizon and extinguish my  gender bias. Perhaps my personal experience has jaded my hope for the future that any (hu) man would willingly give up their goal / pursuit, in order to care for a family. I would hope that all things would be given equally, and that upon one person in the family observing another's willingness & voluntary laying down (sacrifice) of what one wants to do in order to help support the family unit that there would be a contagious movement in the hearts of all who comprise the family to help one another out.  I guess perhaps what one person told me about my view of marriage could be deemed true: It simply does not exist, and, to my Mother's advice: You've got to take care of yourself dear, because no one else will.

  Those are words I ponder & hit my heart daily. I wonder how The Maker really designed this whole marriage/family thing to work. I just don't see it happening here. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough, or , my expectations need to be demolished & re-built.   Until next time, the observation continues.


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