My Check in for the day , would in clude that I feel fearful, vulnerable, broken , crushed. I know and am realizing the depth of my need. Even the heart of my beloved fails. We all fail. We choose to hurt each other. As long as we keep running , we deceive ourselves. God thank You that You are constant. I want to run into You. I want to hide in the Cleft Of the Rock, under the Shadow of the Most High, where death nor life can separate me from Your life. I have been struggling with my part of this journey. God, help me. Even when the one who we're supposed to be one with (on this earth, in this life) does not want that, and rejection flourishes, I will abide under Him. I am not second in His eyes. He is not second in my eys. Christ will remain first. He is the author of my life, He has set His seal upon my heart. Emptyhanded, but alive in Your hands God, I am . Humbled by the love that You give. God help me to forgive as You forgave me. Help me to release him to You, fully, completely, and to do what I must in order to choose my actions and attitudes wisely. I feel ripped apart. Who am I? I am Yours, and Yours alone.
In the amount of time it took for me to think that I was fully supported, much happened. As I continued thorugh school, making the dean's list, and thoroughly enjoying my husband taking care of the kids almost full time (as he said he would when I went back to school), he began applying for jobs - out of state. Yep. Honestly & hope again were tossed aside to continue his dream. Not merely pieces of me were demanded & expected by him, but my life, my hopes, my dreams, my being. I began praying for an early death - again. So, we moved to a small town (pardon my discreetness here) wherein which I figured out that the journey and path before me would not change. I would forever be fighting his dreams and his goals, and his marriage to his ministry. It was apparent to me in the short time we were in that town, that he wanted something so different than I, and had hoped he could mold me into that human being. He took advantage of my love, my trust, my compassion. I drew the l...
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