Why is it when you give yourself away people always try to take up power over you???? I loved you with all I had, and now you think you're the "master of your roost".....that's not what love is supposed to do. That's not how it works, you're supposed to lay down your life because your heart has been touched and is amazed and happy and humble that someone else could love you so much. Instead, you set up control factors and conditions. I hate this, this is not love, it's control
02 Mar 20 REST
Trust yourself. Do not take anything personally. This is a part of the teachings of the philosophy of ancient yoga. Amidst this truth I had a realization – I needed to stop. Having returned from phase 2 of military training less than a month ago, I was already on the hunt for a civilian job to supplement my reservist duties, applying for financial aid and summer college courses, and trying to take on all the normal scheduling that fell within the realms of co-parenting. On top of that, I signed up for yoga instructor training. This was amazing, phenomenal, and brought enhancement to my meditations and practice I’d been doing for the better part of a decade. While none of this brought on any adverse effects, I had not planned for the exhaustion. After 3 weeks of hitting the gates running (literally, out of the airport, and into my sons’ arms), I knew my energy stores were depleting rapidly. So, I had to ask myself - w...
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