Why is it when you give yourself away people always try to take up power over you???? I loved you with all I had, and now you think you're the "master of your roost".....that's not what love is supposed to do. That's not how it works, you're supposed to lay down your life because your heart has been touched and is amazed and happy and humble that someone else could love you so much. Instead, you set up control factors and conditions. I hate this, this is not love, it's control
So in this new season, I have looked among our photos and realized we are, what America would call a "nuclear" family. Hm.... that provokes new thoughts. If we are indeed nuclear, what do we do with our "nuclear" waste? How do we dispose of it.... when we have our problems, our defeats, our burdens? I have made a paralell, with how the world has figured out how to deal with nuclear waste - we haven't. We have made something entirely of our own, and we have not figured out how to dispose of it appropriately since we developed "nuclear" technology. So what do we do with our "waste"? We dump it. We try to cover it up - bury it, or we try to burn it, yet, none of these methods truly "cleans up" the waste or its effects on all that surround it. So too, in our families, our waste p[iles up, we try to dispose of it - sins, past & present, hidden & undisturbed, all the while the effects linger in the air, affect our children &...
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