
Showing posts from 2011
I have been raised, thus far in my life, around those who believe in the church that women are to be solely regarded as childbearers, teachers, and that is where their worth lies. I am a mother, and as such I can say that it is a wonderful & excruciating experience, and that I cannot imagine that this is "all there is". I understand children are wonderful, but they are not the sole reason of my existence, and I would love to challenge the theocrat who dares to say so. I was & am & will remain myself, even after my children have left the nest. They will begin new chapters in their lives, and then what? According to those who state that women are all about children all the time, apparently I would be obsessed & sad that they were gone. I know that I will always have a consciousness of my children. However, I will be happy as they move through each stage of life, and I will help to do my best to prepare them for that. Being a believer, I will do my best to raise ...
So I have been reading posts about difficulties of raising children, and, I have come to a single conclusion: yep. My third son, and, this is, by no means any easier. My two little ones are 4 1/2 and 2, and going through their own development as well as my 5 week old. They are all needy in many different ways. Yet I am in need also. What do I do? When people say, "Take care of yourself", I feel like saying, "okay, how & when does a mother do that?" It's like a sick joke - like a carrot on a string... except the carrot is old & tired & dried up - that's me! I am only 28, yet I feel about 40 yrs old. People tell me this "gets better," however, from what I read, children still go through complex individual psycho/social/moral development- that is the hard part for me. I can get 3 kiddos ready for preschool, church, and outings on my own, scrub my floors, fold 5 loads of laundry & vacuum with a 12 lb. newborn strapped to my chest - it...


I do not know how to begin this. I honestly debate where the Bible says a man is to "Lay down his life, as Christ did for the church", and yet all I see around me are "good" Christian men achieving their personal dreams, regardless of if it provides for their family. Their wives are trapped by a "should be" image, and, bless their hearts, they carry it out - because, who would raise all the children they now possess? Perhaps a more accurate statement would be: a wife lays down her life for her husband, her children, and the church body, hoping that her example would prompt her husband to do the same. I am tired & sad & do not know what to think any more . All I can think of is to separate for a while. Fall of the face of comfort & see where it is that I land. My children are precious. My husband... I don't know what that is anymore. Sorry. To be told you are worth something & then to have your spouse throw you out & tell you you are...


Okay, so after being on the road for almost an hour (doubling my commute time), I had been happy to arrive safely at work. I had no idea just how much more thankful I was to become until my husband called me with "kid drama" . Apparently, our two sons were up & at 'em early this morning. He was finishing up his school work & was complaining to me that the boys were screaming. I don't know about other people, but if I were a child & I kne wmy parent was up & ignoring me, I'd scream too. Then my dh told me that our eldest son ran to pick out the Lucky Charms for breakfast (which, apparently in my dh's parenting book is a no-no. However, he is allowed to have them, any time of day, which is why they are in our home to begin with). I told him that if he had a problem that I was fully capable of his abilities as a grown man and a father to solve this situation. I told him I'd prefer it if he wouldn't ignore the boys when they are awake ,a...

More & More & More

I did not expect to come up to this again. 3.5 yrs of school (for him). me hanging in, an unexpected expectancy (BB #3), and everything in between. More on-line infidelity, more care for a co-student of similar interest, and all the while I just don't care anymore. I do not have enough energy for the theological bickering desires of a 28 year old college student, the ability to work full time in a revenue cycle analysis job, raise 2.5 children, provide benefits, write the thank - you's, keep up in shape, keep the house running, and oh yes, the ever present well-wishers who stand far off and say, "Take some time for you..." . I appreciate the thought, however sweet the idea, the reality is, if I took time off: I would not get paid, there would be no benefits for my husband & children, or myself, we would not be able to pay the bills, etc.. as my husband's part time , no taxes deducted before the end of the year paycheck go towards his degree. Not that he isn...