
Showing posts from August, 2009


It has been a tumultuous much so that I am just now writing about it - on Weds. First was wonderful news last Thursday - I was invited to play drums again after 1.5 years of maternal hiatus! My heart lept in me, and then I also remembered that with the invitation came the daunting task of finding in-church childcare for 2. That might not seem like such a challenge, however, with 2 under the age of 3, it's not so easy. But, I was happy none the less. On Friday, my usually skipper happy friend revealed to me that she was going into the hospital to deliver her expired 20 week old unborn. Yep. That led to many tears. I have not heard from her since. I don't know how to console her. I wish I could do more. I keep praying. That's all I can see to do. Saturday was a busy family day, but a bit somber from the previous day's news. We had much to do to prepare for Sunday. Sister in law (e.g. life saver) stayed over for the weekend too. So nice to have her in the hous...


This week I am experiencing the challenges of re-training my toddler. It's difficult. Kev & I went away for a couple days for a marriage- rebuilding vacation, and the boys went with my mother. I know it's difficult for Elijah to adjust back to "normal" life, especially when that life includes me being away at work. It wouldn't be such a difficult adjustment, save that I am such a worker/task oriented person, that when I get home, the first thing I do is fold clothes, or have to clean something up, or I feel things are going out of control. This, in turn, leads to little or no time spent just sitting, reading, or showing Elijah much in the way of individual attention. Before I know it, Samuel has awoken, and I'm off to feed him, then fix our dinner & clean up what I will during that time. I guess there are things that can be left, but there's such a drive inside of me to have everything in its place. Perhaps it's because where we live is not our...

Oh For Pete's Sake!

Okay. So, I desperately would love to grow up, really. But then there are incidents that force me to recognize that I truly am child - like. After getting into my work, I began to assign myself some work, only later to realize I had accepted tasks for which I am not yet skilled to take on..... Thus, I created a massive headache for my co-workers, who were not all that happy with me (Excedrin, anyone?). Attribute it to 1.Lack of sleep, 2.Misplacement of Brain whilst in shower, 3. Being blonde. Yes, I do own all of these excuses, but they do not obliterate the headache. I can only describe how I feel at this moment with a simple posting:

Keep Abortion Out of Health Care

Keep Abortion Out of Health Care Shared via AddThis


Whilst listening to the likes of Bartok this morning, I couldn't help but ponder what we're doing in the HealthCare Reform Bill (which, by the way is still in formation, so is it really even a bill?? There have been countless additions, subtractions, modifications...I have another blog post coming on this very issue- not trying to pin a target to my back, but, inevitably this will be the case I'm sure). Again, my thoughts turn to .... our children. Why can't people see that no matter how individualist a society tries to be, no matter what personal, individual "unalienable" rights we're all "entitled" to - everything that we do always impacts other people. I truly see this in the matter of healthcare, specifically in the "family planning" that is tied up into it. Soon, very soon, we could/may all be facing to pay for abortion. My heart ticks on this one. The ones who choose for whatever reason to have this medical procedure done fail ...


Here are my thoughts on family planning.... About 1 week after we had our second baby (my profile picture is of Sam), we were asked the age old question of, "do you plan to have more?" To which my husband would reply , "yes - we're thinking we'll have about 4 children, Lord willing." To his dismay, I would always glare at him like he'd decided our future without my consent. He would be very confused, and often hurt. His reaction was valid. It's not like we haven't talked before about how many children we'd like to have, it's just that for me I was taught you do one thing at a time, and, well, we've got many things going on. For my type AAAa (I wasn't sure that I wanted to include 4 major A's, but I think I'm on the verge of almost 4 a's, hence the small type a), I see having children, working, and going back to school as all major life events. My husband is more of a "take it as it comes and keep God first...