
Whilst listening to the likes of Bartok this morning, I couldn't help but ponder what we're doing in the HealthCare Reform Bill (which, by the
way is still in formation, so is it really even a bill?? There have been countless additions, subtractions, modifications...I have another blog post coming on this very issue- not trying to pin a target to my back, but, inevitably this will be the case I'm sure). Again, my thoughts turn to .... our children.
Why can't people see that no matter how individualist a society tries to be, no matter what personal, individual "unalienable" rights we're all "entitled" to - everything that we do always impacts other people. I truly see this in the matter of healthcare, specifically in the "family planning" that is tied up into it. Soon, very soon, we could/may all be facing to pay for abortion. My heart ticks on this one. The ones who choose for whatever reason to have this medical procedure done fail to recognize that the choice they are making affects us all...now on a national level. So, that little secret you were trying to keep, yeah, well, um, you're accountable. I could go on too about how erked I am at having to pay for COPD patients' meds who smoke continuously. BUT, I am reminded that I, too, have habits & a lifestyle that are not devoid of mistakes & habits that are harmful.
So, in closing, my message is: Let us all realize that our actions DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES, and that, in the end, OUR ACTIONS HAVE AN ACUTE & CHRONIC AFFECT on everyone around us. Let us therefore approach our descisions with that principle in mind, please (myself included). I pray that we would try to govern as He would have it - with compassion, love ,wisdom & discernment. -End note-


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