
It has been a tumultuous much so that I am just now writing about it - on Weds. First was wonderful news last Thursday - I was invited to play drums again after 1.5 years of maternal hiatus! My heart lept in me, and then I also remembered that with the invitation came the daunting task of finding in-church childcare for 2. That might not seem like such a challenge, however, with 2 under the age of 3, it's not so easy. But, I was happy none the less.

On Friday, my usually skipper happy friend revealed to me that she was going into the hospital to deliver her expired 20 week old unborn. Yep. That led to many tears. I have not heard from her since. I don't know how to console her. I wish I could do more. I keep praying. That's all I can see to do.

Saturday was a busy family day, but a bit somber from the previous day's news. We had much to do to prepare for Sunday. Sister in law (e.g. life saver) stayed over for the weekend too. So nice to have her in the house. She is so peaceful. Love you Lisa!

Sunday - busy day. Pumped in car so Lisa could give Sam a bottle at church & feed him solids. He was crying & crabby the entire time . Lisa baptized by tears & spit-up (and others' well meaning albeit stress-provoking comments). She is now ready for motherhood should she ever encounter it! Drummed - did okay, didn't much notice as I was having a wonderful worship time. Elijah went to Sunday school & learned about Nehemiah.
Came home , ate lunch, napped & cleaned. (Crashed in office before peeling self off the floor to get into my own bed).

4:10pm - motorcycles pull in signaling bro-in law's and cousin's arrivals for Family Time. We get together with hubby's family members (and cousins etc) ever other week. We like to maintain connectedness. Elijah wakes up & is screaming he does NOT want to go on the potty. Finally got him there. When he was done, he came out of the bathroom & looked quite embarrassed because his Uncle Daniel was standing there.... hmmm... must have others over for toddler to think about how he's acting. Aren't we the same? We also got to welcome Caleb (cousin) to the time.....yeaye - he also brought unreleased cookies from a friend - they got my approval & I lost count of how many I consumed. Yumm-E.

Welcomed Monday with sleep & a happy heart. Struggled Monday evening with severe thoughts of fear, anxiety & anger. Mixture of self-depreciating thoughts along with school starting & Kev going back, the boys transitioning, and , still hadn't heard from friend with a pregnancy loss. So, Kevin lead me in prayer- my heart calmed, softened. God knew I didn't want to pray. I was lead graciously & gently before the cross. I had to make a choice to lay everything down. God has set us free. He's made a way for us to have peace & to be able to surrender without fear of being vulnerable- because He will NOT leave or reject us. Ever. Thank God!


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