RANT From June 2018 Why America is not for Women, and the Non-Traditional Leader

June 23, 2018

Bloggity – Why America is not for Women, FML,
and Other Musings of a Non-Traditional Leader

Equal opportunity my ass. You call it equal when I am paid at $155,000 to assume the roles of three of my male counterparts, all whom have less responsibility and make $375,000 a piece? Oh, but they have families to provide for. Right. So.Do.I.  I am a single mother. That’s my own fault? No sheet. It’s also those three males’ faults for attending a university, being emotionally distant from their households, but hey, as long as that white picket fence is white washed amidst their 5-bedroom 4 bathroom 1.5-million-dollar home in the ‘burbs, you’ll look the other way. No man, no businessman, taxman, congressman, religious man, peaceful man, cares. 

You know why? They’re “getting theirs”. Fuck, they’re living the goddamn dream. Because that 35k difference in annual salary is enough to get one of their kids through a good part of their undergraduate degree. Did I mention I do not have a degree, yet due to my work ethic, intelligence, and sheer intervention by the Divine, I have managed to more than “make things work” for myself and my three children, for now at least.

Did I mention that I put their sperm donating father through his education, expecting the same ROI, and came away with a net yield of 0? Yeah, right, my fault, for not being able to discern someone’s character over 11 years, because I did everything I could to stoke a dying fire, to keep families, and interpersonal connections alive. 

Never mind all that. That is all what you all call “drama” so you can box it up and ship it out of your minds like it never happened.

Perhaps ya’ll just can’t stand the threat of a woman consistently, and constantly out shining, outperforming, out doing, and ousting all of you. Women will always have it harder… and you know why? We rise to the challenge. Every.Single.Time. The lower pay, because we’ve been told we’re “too nice”, or “don’t do comparable work” to our male peers. We are blamed and shunned for striving for work-life balance and wanting our children to have ample opportunities to grow, develop, and pursue happiness. We are told we need to depend on someone yet are ridiculed when the man we fathered our young with cannot be counted on to be dependable, leaving many of us to rely on the government for help. 

Then, we are told, that because we sleep more than 5 hours a night, we have a horrible work ethic, as we pic ourselves up every morning, and dust ourselves off, put on our skirts, blouses, scrubs, lab coats, biohazard suits, and head out every day for another journey into  the big bad patriarchal world. The fuck , man. I  knew when I was four years old this reality existed. If you wanted to choose a family,  you would most likely end up having to be dependent on someone. Your work would  deny you advancement opportunity, questioning where your moral values lie, whilst giving a father of 3  that exact same promotion, enough he had less years of experience. When you state your worth, and want to make it known your time spent away from your most precious children valuable, you are ridiculed for being to pricey, though your male counterparts earn three times as much as you , some of them not having families, exuding less effort and skill than yourself. 

It's a catch 22. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you choose not to have a family, women who are miserable suddenly turn on you, because you have a completely different viewpoint of what success is , and know how to be happy. 


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