The Baby Debate

Okey dokey, so, I had a blogger account, and no blog postings of my own and lately I have encountered some interesting, thought - provoking matters. What better way to deal with my thoughts then to blog? So, here goes.

I typically shy away from controversial subjects, not that I do not have an opinion, rather, I would keep to myself in those regards. But, spanning the vast array of aritcles, medical issues, and recent change of politicians both in this beautiful state in which I reside, and also on the national level - I cannot disspell my thoughts anymore.
I am addressing abortion. AH! Typing that term makes me a little nervous, but please, share your thoughts.. after you read mine. Lord knows, I've read enough.
A recent article in More magazine addressed the generational gap in women, and how the younger generation of women is yielding the "rights" that the older generation fought so dilligently for them to have. These "freedoms" included the right to abort or terminate a life at a woman's choosing. The older interviewee commented in the article that women should not have to "pay a price for their sexual liberation". Now, um, excuse me, but I was always raised on the factual statement that , "with great freedom comes great responsibility." I am wondering too, when us humans decided that certain lives were worth keeping, whilst others weren't allowed to live, or even come into being. If our worth can be determined on human standards, then my human brain seriously is concerned for the value that a human could have when making the decision to end the life of their own offspring.
On the positive side of this issue, in MN, the abortion rate is dropping ... but the top reasons for aborting remain the same: 1. not wanting a child at this time (then why did you engage in sexual relations "at that point" in time?) and 2. Economic Woes (this opens up another blog opportunity: the church vs. welfare, what happened?). So my conveinience comes before someone's life eh? I'm sure glad my Mommy put her convenience (and still does, by the way) on hold for me - thank you Mom!
Unfortunately, in America, it would seem the trend is faster, better, now, now, now - and apparently "freedom" means the absence of responsibility. I have found the opposite by being a mother . I have great freedom - freedom with which I made a conscious descision to love another, and out of that love came another human to which love needed to be shown - and thus continuing the beautiful cycle of unconditional love.
We all have freedom of choice - to be ready for "sexual liberation" and the responsibilities that come with it. If we are not ready for this responsibility tied to the freedom, then the best choice is to abstain until we're ready (which, in my opinion, is in marriage). Many people don't realize they did choose - chose to sleep with someone, and chose to enter into the chance that another life might be created as a result of that initial decision.
I would also like to bring up that I don't think that birth control pills are "preventative" medicine...but that's another topic for a different day.
I am sure I will have more to write on this at a different time, but for now, this is what I'm thinking :o).


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