Car Trouble

Okay! So, this morning was a "fun" one. My car's steering/tie rod decided to blow out right on the exit I get off on to go to work (in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods around -so says the news). No biggie right? Just use your cell phone & call for help. Yeah, except that in my rushing out of the house for work this morning, I failed to pick up my little "problem solver". Needless to say, I enjoyed a brisk walk through the city after my car trouble - which I guess helped to work out some of the adrenaline in my veins (I am very exhausted at the moment). My husband (who has known this car was trouble - for about the last 3 years) came to save the day, while Grandma willingly took over care of the children. Add to that Grandpa helping out with where to call to get our "dud' back, and well, you've got some pretty awesome family members! On a different note: I arrived at work, began working, and then, unfortunately, checked my e-mail. I had sent off an e-mail to our small group from church thinking it'd be interesting & funny.... how wrong I was. Further a testiment to how unperceiving I am about how people process things (or just a poor judge of what other's regard as humerous). I felt so bad, and, after the above incident, I decided my only reason to really "live" out the day is for my kids. Why? Because they're natural optimists! They only respond to others' pessimissm and gloominess. They themselves are happy, and as long as I also have that attitude, they are maintained in that stability. It's difficult for me to remain an optimist, calm & un de-railed when these little things happen in life. God, give me grace & patience to get through this day - to put forth concerted effort to be happy & joyful no matter what !


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