More Debate

Okay, so I promise that soon I will post something that shows the lighter side of me,
but for now, my heart is still heavy. Why do people abort? I don't get it. Maybe if
there was some sort of trauma (e.g. rape) or danger to Mom, or something...but,
otherwise I cannot understand it. I especially am confused when married couples
engage in this (generally) selfish practice. Why? Why not give the baby to a family
that is trying desperately to conceive? Is it because certain families want "their own"
offspring exclusively? Why not adopt - but then, there's an entirely different issue of
which I could ramble about. I am sorry if I seem redundant. I am having a
difficult time finding a way to express my broken heartedness on this issue. Even
certain single teenagers give their baby up for adoption. Just my thoughts.
The only reason I can come up with is that people just simply don't know their (or any
body else's) true worth. Are we not all from Christ, from His very heart? If so, then
are not we worth more than a flock of birds, or beasts of the fields?
This issue is one that leaves me with a pit in my stomach & the start of tears in my eyes.


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