Something Positive!

Okay, so after my new health care budget link/post yesterday, I decided to do something different today. Yep, you guessed it, I am posting my blog before I read the news! What brought on this sudden change? One word - husband. Which will be the topic for today.

Call me sappy, but, I am finding that after nearly 8 years of marriage, I'm actually "falling" more in love with , yep, my husband. He's a Super Dad, taking care of our munchkins while I'm away at work - sacrificing an otherwise restful summer to instill love, fun & guidance into these two boys! He's incredibly committed to our Congregation as well. He's trying to play 1 handed piano after breaking his finger (near the PIP joint!), and continues to study for the upcoming fall semester as he will be attending Northwestern to pursue his music major, in hopes that he'll have a career that will combine his passion & calling for excellence in worship through music, while trying to provide so I can stay home & help the family continue on (I actually enjoy being pregnant, and am looking forward to it, again, sometime).

Lately, he's taken to cleaning up the house while I take a nap when I get home from work (I am continually convinced that a human being cannot survive with 4 to 5 hours of sleep a day... they will, inevitably succumb to an acute psychosis -but that's a different blog...). He has repeatedly taken care of me throughout the years, I can not even begin to describe it in one posting!

Whew! It also doesn't hurt the appreciation factor to mention that he's incredibly attractive. (I know he'll just shake his head and furrow his brow when I write that, but, hey, it's my blogger and I'll write if I want to, write if I want to, yeeaaah) . Well, Don't get me wrong, I know he isn't perfect, but, with all due respect, God knew he was perfect for me - to love!

So, in conclusion, honey, if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU!


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